Top 10 Dishes to try in Asiari  Whether it is braised or steamed, deep fried or double boiled; the Chinese cuisine has long been a favorite of Malaysians of all ages and races. With the strong demand from Muslim customers, there has been a growth in Halal Chinese...

Top 10 Dim Sum in Asiari

Top 10 Dim Sum in Asiari

Top 10 Dim Sum at Asiari With lots of selection and dim sum variety at Asiari, we have listed Top 10 dim sum dish you need to try here. Asiari uses only muslim friendly ingredients which offers a variety of delicious main dishes that is great for sharing. Our dim sum...

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We are so pleased to announce the launch of our new website!   Since you're here, you've probably noticed. Or this is your first time, in which case: WELCOME! We are very excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website. Visit us at our new web address...